Personal trainer

Ewa Lemke

Specialization: athletics specialization

Physical activity in my passion from an early age. I was training different sport disciplines, but I got involved the most with athletics – specializing in 400 meters hurdles. I learned to be systematic, how to set goals and how to realize them. Until now running is my passion to which I try to draw people. I care that people, regardless of age, could have good shape and health. I take up challenges with great pleasure. I want to help people using my knowledge and tips. I have a lot of motivation, determination and optimism. I know a lot of exercises and training methods, what makes that I can adapt myself to individual client’s needs. I work always with a smile on my face!

I am a graduate of University School of Physical Education in Gdańsk, I’m the instructor of tennis, I have entitlement of personal trainer allotted by Pomeranian Center of Sports Training in Gdańsk and I’m also instructor of swimming.


  • mgr Awfis
  • trener pływania
  • instruktor przygotowania motorycznego
  • instruktor gimnastyki sportowej
  • kurs fizjologia i programowanie treningowe w praktyce
  • instruktor odnowy biologicznej
  • instruktor treningu mentalnego